The official teaching body of The British Reflexology Association is The Bayly School of Reflexology and, at the present time, only those trained on a Bayly School course may join the BRA. We recommend that reflexology students not on a Bayly School course and wanting to join a reflexology association should ask their course tutor as to which association their course if affiliated to.
There are four categories of BRA membership :
Fellow membership (FBRA, Registered Reflexologist) - for persons elected by the Board who have distinguished themselves in the profession of Reflexology or who have rendered any conspicuous service to the Association.
Ordinary membership (MBRA, Registered Reflexologist) - for those persons who have passed examinations to obtain a Certificate/Diploma from the official teaching body. All ordinary members have insurance cover.
Associate membership - for those persons who have passed examinations to obtain a Certificate/Diploma from the official teaching body but are not practising reflexology as a profession.
Student membership - for those persons undergoing a course of training with the official teaching body or who have completed such a course but are unable to meet the requirements of Ordinary membership.
Benefits of Membership
Some of the benefits for Ordinary members include:
Use of the letters MBRA after name
Advertising as a Registered Reflexologist
Listings in BRA Register of Members and on website
Use of special BRA logo on promotional material
BRA Block insurance scheme (for malpractice and public liability insurance) *
Quarterly Footprints newsletter
Lecture Days
Details of job vacancies
Research projects
Advertising on NHS Choices website
Verification for CNHC Registration
Promotional involvement with different national companies
Merchandise benefits with a number of leading companies
Advice in connection with their practice