Energy - The New Frontier
in Reflexology
Online Lecture
Saturday 11 May 2024
3- 5 pm
Speaker: Christine Issel
Based in California, Christine holds a Master’s Degree in Humanities. Her interest in reflexology began in 1969 when it helped her with a medical issue. Christine is the author of Reflexology: Art, Science & History, Eunice Ingham a Biography—Her Life and Legacy of Reflexology, and Christine’s latest book, Energy: The New Frontier in Reflexology, and with Dr. Sandi Rogers, Ed.D., of Australia Reflexognosy A Shift in Paradigm. She is also the publisher of Eunice Ingham’s last book, The Stories the Feet Are Telling. Over her many years of work in the field she has founded associations in the USA and internationally, contributed to their newsletters and organized conferences for them.
Christine is co-founder of the American Reflexology Certification Board. Christine, as a legislative consultant working with reflexologists in a number of states, has managed to obtain 32 exemptions from state massage laws and contributed to the five state reflexology laws over the last thirty years through writing many position papers and appearing at public hearings before legislative committees.
With her extensive background in reflexology she consults and lectures on all aspects of reflexology, a discipline she is passionate about.

‘Energy: The New Frontier in Reflexology’ is the title of Christine’s latest work. This is a journey into the dynamics of identified energies by science to our unseen subtle energy bodies. The information contained within easily applies to all forms of manual or energetic disciplines, methods and spiritual persuasions. There is so much more to what we do than what we understand; what we've accepted as the ways things have been for years. The focus of this work is energy.
During this lecture Christine will discuss:
• Expanding Our Reflexology Horizons & Why It Matters
• Energy
• Understanding the Human Energy Field
• Examples of Client’s Auras
• Our Responsibility
Hopefully there will be time for a short Q & A session at the end.
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