About the Association
The British Reflexology Association was founded in 1985 to act as a representative body for persons practising the method of Reflexology as a profession and for students training in the Bayly method. The Association also aims to help promote the practice of Reflexology in Great Britain and abroad.
​The BRA was one of the first reflexology associations to be established and strives to offer a personal service to its members.
The official teaching body of the BRA is The Bayly School of Reflexology. Please click here for more info on courses offered by The Bayly School of Reflexology.
The BRA is a company limited by guarantee and a Board of Directors is responsible for the general business of the Association including dealing with any complaints and disciplinary matters in connection with the membership. Please click here for details of the BRA Directors.
BRA members may join the Complementary and Natural Healthcare (CNHC) register. CNHC is the UK voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners that was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC's register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The BRA verifies applications for CNHC registration and members wishing to apply should go to the members log in area.
The B.R.A. is also a core member of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative, Who are a collection of leading professional associations and stakeholders within complementary, traditional and natural healthcare, working together on common areas of interest, to increase access to these therapies, promote greater integration with conventional Western medicine, and improve patient outcomes